Donating to our organization to help cover monthly operating expenses is one of the best ways to offer support to the work we do.
Neither we nor our authors profit from any of the work that we produce. We don’t accept money from advertising or monetize our sites or videos. Books are sold as close as possible to cost price, with the small amount we receive from the sale of the books going directly back into covering expenses for more books and publishing projects.
We work in this way out of a timeless principle that we observe – not to profit from anyone’s search for spiritual awakening.
Raised so far for March:
We’ve met our funding goal for February, Thank You!
Goal $1,500
$250 Current
Donate via Buy Me a Coffee or via PayPal.
More information on donating below.
Support our Authors
The authors we publish – Lara and Mark Atwood, who don’t receive any money from the sale of their work, also accept donations to support their work – you can find out more here.
It costs $1,500 USD on average per month as a baseline to run our nonprofit organization and to provide our books, videos and websites. We manage to do a lot on what is actually a very small budget in the publishing world, due to the hard work and volunteered time from a handful of skilled people. Any extra funding we receive above our monthly baseline costs enables us to grow and do more.
These costs include but are not limited to:
- Web hosting and design
- Website maintenance, development and security
- Technical support
- Content creation and publishing
- Ensuring compliance with various government bodies and legislation
- Editing and publishing videos
- Graphic design
- Stock image, video, and music licenses
- Editing manuscripts
- Licensing quoted text and images
- Pursuing instances of copyright infringement
- Employing one person part time
- Image and graphic processing
- Text and font licensing for books
- Interior book layout and design
- Print proofing
- Title and ISBN set up
- Distribution fees
- Bookkeeping
- Accounting fees and software
- Physical and digital storage
- Managing budgets and fundraising
- Monthly/yearly administrative expenses of being a publisher
If you are interested in donating to Sura Ondrunar Publishing, we accept donations via Buy Me a Coffee which is a website platform for accepting donations or via PayPal where we have a donation page set up on the PayPal website.
On each of these platforms there are options to make a single donation or the option to subscribe to making a monthly or yearly donation.
Please note that donations to Sura Ondrunar Publishing are not tax deductible.
Non-Profit Purpose
Sura Ondrunar Publishing is a not-for-profit organization, and all donations go towards fulfilling our mission. For any questions or issues related to donating, please contact us.
Thanks so much to everyone who has donated towards our running costs and projects. The support is very much appreciated and helps make what we do possible.